Friday, June 09, 2006

Road Not Taken....

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

Today I was pondering my decisions in life. I'm young. I know that. Yet, I have been blessed enough to have made several life decisions that many my age will not make for a while. Most of those decisions have been the "one less traveled by" and praise God they "made all the difference."

Kelly and I are currently making several big decisions that will guide our future together. I thought today of Robert Frost. It has been years since I looked upon his words. The last I read the words of The Road Not Taken it was with the eyes of innocence and naivety. I took it as any 17 year old boy would in high school. He meant "Be risky! Go for it! Be different! Take the road less traveled and damn the consequences!" (sorry, but in high school that's what I would have said) I read it much differently now.

As a father; a husband; the leader of my household and only income my decisions impact much more than they ever have...and they aren't just my decisions anymore.

So, I return to his poem.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

Wow! My heart races when I read it. Without a doubt, I want to take the one less traveled by! it wide enough for my minivan? Does it have rest stops for the kids? Do they have security? Gas stations? Have we budgeted for the trip; for this road may be a little longer? Dang! I lost Noah's pacifier! They better have a Wal-mart on this road! Much more to consider these days.

And yet, as a driven, stubborn, determined and admittedly opportunistic man, I can't tell you how much I thrive on the idea of claiming "I took the chance and I was right." I desire to be the hero. I long to make that decision; choose the road that gives my family the life I desperately want to give them. Not material, but Freedom; Protection; Security. I guess, perhaps I haven't traveled as far from the 17 year old boy as I thought.

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