Thursday, August 30, 2007


My friend Christopher and I have had this conversation before. But, lately I've really been thinking about my frustrations in life and most of them are in some way related to an inability, unwillingness, or refusal to take action. That isn't new. We all get frustrated when we want to act and can't, don't, won't. What has got me blogging about this, is that I just recently (in a moment of inactivity, mind you) started thinking about the fact that I am just as aggitated at constant preparation for action. Some would say preparation represents a series of important actions taken to lead up to a bigger action. I say that preparation, in many cases, is a stall tactic or a way to waste time until action is needed. I hate talking about acting and thinking about acting and studying how to act and deciding when to act. And, in the middle of my action (when it happens) I don't like to stop to talk about how it's going and what should change and why and when. Just let me get something done! That is a weakness, perhaps. Great leaders will tell you that a key of leadership is the willingness to read, study and prepare yourself on a regular basis and to evaluate your actions. I hate that. I don't want to talk about it, especially while I'm in the middle of trying to execute the action. I guess this all stems from my current position in a "start-up." I feel like there is soooooo much planning that goes into everything and then a lot of talking about the planning and a lot of planning about the talking about the planning and then, maybe acting, then talking about the acting and planning for reacting. And thus, you have seen my worst fear. A cycle of insanity. Solution: We need to win a contract.

1 comment:

Christopher Bennage said...

Watch this presentation:

You'll like the part about sandwiches.