Sunday, we skipped church. Sorry Pastor Matt! We slept in (very rare at our house) and drove to St. George Island for the day. It was wonderful. We enjoyed just sitting and doing nothing. Jonathan built a sand castle even with no kids around or bucket & shovel. We also got to see some dolphins not twenty feet from us. I tried to catch a picture but like kids...they move too fast. We loved not having to bring an entire car load to the beach and just enjoyed each other! When we got home we met up with Brad and June and went to Olive Garden (one of my favorites) which is way to expensive to take all three kids. Then the four of us went to Seminole Bowling. What a fun day & night!
St. George Lighthouse
Monday, Jonathan had to work so I slept in, went for a walk and then took my time at the grocery store. I then put all the groceries away and cleaned a little bit. I think I even took a nap! I later went to the gym and just had a relaxing night of NO arguing, fighting, or whatever ever else my boys can do. (All which they are doing right this very second! HA!)
Tuesday morning around 4:30 we were off to Gainesville, which is a separate blog. What did I learn from being away from my boys??? That I love them very much and our life has become very noisy but entertaining. I enjoyed spending time with my husband. We could have grown up conversations and even do things without planning. I loved how we picked on each other like we used to and could even laugh when one of us said something really dumb and not have to explain it to a six year old that has to know everything. Jonathan did still catch me spelling out things even with no kids around. Overall, the most adult conversations I think we have had in a very long time. Thank goodness for Grandparents!
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