Thursday, August 24, 2006

All work and no play makes Jonathan go crazy!!

Well, you may have noticed that I haven't been blogging much lately. I have had ideas. Yet when facing the prospect of typing them out, I found a lack of time and energy. I have been pretty busy across the board. Between work, church, work at church, church at work, family, etc., I have found myself shying away from blogging, which I enjoy. So, I'm back! I have found the time (though in a brief moment at work...forgive me) to blog. Here's what is happening lately:

  • Still trying to sell our lot...(anybody...anybody?)
  • Been to a REALLY cool Willow Creek Church Leadership Conference
  • Have to write an article based on this leadership conference for my work
  • Cool, fun opportunities on the horizon (can't give much detail yet)
  • God is working on really great stuff at our church. Primarily in the following areas:
    • Outreach Team
    • Small Group Ministry
    • Leadership/Volunteer Organization
  • Been having and will have a lot of meetings on these subjects
  • Gabriel has begun home school preschool and he is doing awesome! He really enjoys school and is like a sponge.
  • Noah is discovering everything, everywhere and putting all of it in my living room.
  • The project I am on has picked up in pace. Lots to do.
  • Our Small Group is going well. It is stable, relationships are growing and we are going through a new series on marriage.
  • God has been working in my heart, mind and soul and in my family. He has given me clarity on many issues (including a new vision for our Outreach Team which I am really excited about), while also stretching my faith and truly challenging me in many ways. All good, yet difficult and taxing.
I have noticed in the past couple of months that my energy and morale is waning. Thus, the title of this blog. One of the topics of the leadership conference was learning to understand what charges your batteries and what drains them. All of the above items I LOVE doing. I feel great about God working in my life and feel alive when serving. Yet, when the meetings are over and I come home late, it's quiet. My walk to the door is dimly lit by the porch light left on by my wife. My boys are already in bed and a "bedtime calm" has fallen over my home. At those moments, when there is nothing to do and my RPMs drop, I feel the strain. It isn't bad. We all feel it. And thanks to this conference, I think it is healthy to notice it, acknowledge it and find a way to recharge. That is my next mission. Should I choose to accept it. And you should do the same. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just a thought Jonathan, somehow, somewhere we are being told to lead, take charge, set an example for others to follow. Have you given much thought to following. He never said, "Lead me!" Rather he said, "Come follow me." Just a thought.