Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Fear Factor

Well, if I hadn't already been admitted to the "Official Motherhood Club" I was this week. My boys have passed around this wonderful 24-hour bug the past two days and I think now...I can officially handle anything Fear Factor can dish out!
Gabe woke up Monday with a tummy ache so he sat on the "potty" to go to the bathroom. Little did he know, nausea means something different. He threw up all over himself! Being the nice Mom I am...I grabbed the garbabe can...then came the pee! As he got sick, while sitting on the potty, he started to pee. The garbage can became a catch what I could! Just when I thought I was in the clear; it was now Noah's turn...

Thinking I was having quite a normal day, I decided to go to Comcast (all the way across town) and about two minutes before we got there Noah just screamed. When I turned to see why...you guessed it, he got sick. All over the car seat, himself, and the car! Luckily I had extra clothes and plenty of wipes! I put Gabe in the booster seat, Noah in Gabe's carseat and back home we went! So...Fear Factor here I come!

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